ARLA/CLUSTER: Nova petição entregue à FCC procura limitar os Modos Digitais somente ao software de código aberto a usar pelos radioamadores nos E.U.A.

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Quarta-Feira, 3 de Abril de 2019 - 14:54:22 WEST

Petition seeks to limit Digital Modes to open-source software

ARRL reports the FCC is asking for comments on a new Petition for Rule
Making RM-11831 which calls for 'Amateur Digital Mode Transparency'

The FCC is accepting comments on a Petition for Rule Making (RM-11831)
seeking to amend FCC Part 97 rules that require all ham radio digital
transmissions to use techniques “whose technical characteristics have been
documented publicly.†The Petition, filed by *Ron Kolarik, K0IDT*, of
Lincoln, Nebraska, expresses concerns that some currently used digital
modes are not readily and freely able to be decoded, and it asks the FCC to
require all digital codes to use protocols that “can be monitored in
[their] entirety by third parties with freely available, open-source
software,†per §97.113(a)(4).

Kolarik said his petition also aims to reduce levels of amateur-to-amateur
interference from Automated Controlled Digital Stations (ACDS) on HF
operating under §97.221(d)(2). Kolarik wants the FCC to delete §97.221(c),
which permits automatic control of digital emissions provided the station
“is responding to interrogation by a station under local or remote control,
and [n]o transmission from the automatically controlled station occupies a
bandwidth of more than 500 Hz.â€

In his Petition, Kolarik maintains that interference from ACDS continues to
be “a major problem on the amateur bands.†He suggested that an absence of
formal complaints may be due to the fact that such stations are “difficult
to identify.â€

Read the full ARRL story at

Read RM-11831 at

2013 RM-11708 and 2016 WT 16-239

Part 97 - Rules of the Amateur Radio Service
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