ARLA/CLUSTER: Radioamador norueguês impedido de deixar o Chade depois da sua estação ser fechada pelas autoridades

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Sexta-Feira, 19 de Outubro de 2018 - 14:22:21 WEST

Norwegian radio ham prevented from leaving Chad

ARRL reports a saga that has reached the diplomatic and foreign ministry
level is playing out in Africa’s Republic of Chad, involving Norwegian
radio amateur *Kenneth Opskar, LA7GIA*

He had only operated as TT8KO for about 1 day before security police shut
down his station on October 10. He’d logged 2,150 contacts, already
uploaded to Club Log, and all antennas except a 160-meter vertical had been

At the time, Opskar was optimistic that he’d soon be back on the air after
his license and equipment documentation had been scrutinized by the
security police and the foreign ministry, “followed by a CW demo.â€

According to information Opskar has been providing on a running basis to
DX-World, however, he’s now being prevented from leaving the country.

Read the full ARRL story at
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