ARLA/CLUSTER: OL7M (OK1OEA) opta por um novo conjunto de "antezitas" de Justin Johnson (G0KSC)

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Terça-Feira, 13 de Novembro de 2018 - 18:01:50 WET

OL7M installs more G0KSC yagis

*OL7M* has built more Yagis designed by G0KSC to become one of the Big Guns
of Europe using predominantly G0KSC designs.

British Ham, *Justin Johnson G0KSC* has provided a free service via his website for 10 years giving hams around the world access to
some of his highly optimised Yagi antenna designs for self-build.

2 x 5el 20M & 3 x 6el 15M @ OL7M

Particularly in VHF, many hams around the world use G0KSC designs including
the LFA Yagi, OP-DES Yagi and OWL Yagi, all of which were introduced to the
ham radio community by G0KSC within the pages of DUBUS magazine.

OL7M has just installed 2 x 5 element 20M OWA (Optimised Wideband Array)
Yagis on 15.7m booms along with 3 x 6el 15M OWAs on 14.8m booms on the same
tower. Additionally, a monster 4el 40m OWA and 4 x 6el 28MHz OWAs (on a
large H-frame) designed by G0KSC previously, are on site also making the HF
part of the station predominantly G0KSC designed.

Station shot showing the newly installed 2 x 5el 20m and 3 x 6el 15m (left)
and far right, the H-frame holding 4 x 6el 10m OWA

Justin G0KSC continues to help hams build their own antennas despite having
a commercial antenna company of his own.

If you would like help or assistance in designing your own antennas visit
or commercially available designs are at
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