ARLA/CLUSTER: Episódio 179 da série "Foundations of Amateur Radio" : A idade de ouro do radioamadorismo é agora

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Sexta-Feira, 9 de Novembro de 2018 - 13:18:25 WET

Foundations of Amateur Radio #179

The Golden Age of Amateur Radio is Now

Imagine a world where electronics are pervasive, a transceiver can be
purchased for the price of two Big Macs, kits are designed and built
using simple tools at home, software makes it possible to invent new
methods of communication on an almost daily basis, where long distance
contacts are made throughout the day using milliwatts while
ionospheric propagation is at an all-time low, where national parks
and peaks are being activated at an increasing rate, where new people
join in every day, where it's easier and easier to obtain a license
and where the word geek is held as a badge of honour.

That world is here, it's now and when Rex, KE6MT writes that we're in
the midst of a golden age of amateur radio, he hits the nail on the
head, or should that be fist on the key?

It's easy to notice that amateur radio is difficult, that it's big,
that it's messy, that it's full of know-it-alls, but it's hard to
remember that it's fun, that it's rewarding and that every day more
and more people join in and enjoy this hobby. The ideals of
investigation and exploration are alive and well and the urge to
participate in activities, just to get out of the house and see some
daylight is strong.

While you're in the midst of a revolution, it's hard to see the wood
for the trees, but make no mistake, the revolution is here, today,
now, and you're smack bang in the middle of it.

Today you can go online and find any number of different amateurs who
share their skills and knowledge, you can find manufacturers and
suppliers at the tap of a screen, find and draw schematics, order
custom circuit boards at the click of a check-out button, print an
enclosure in your bedroom using plans that you downloaded or designed
minutes before.

With the digitisation of amateur radio comes the promise of new
adventures, with adaptive modes, with encoding and decoding in new and
interesting ways, with the ability to hear what your station is
producing by logging into a remote receiver anywhere on the planet, by
sending messages to satellites overhead and talking to people in
another country using a hand-held VHF radio.

For some the loss of the valve radio is the loss of history, for
others it's a sign of progress and improvement. The inventors of
spark-gap transmitters were no doubt put out by the arrival of the
valve when that became commonplace. Similarly, the transistor has
essentially gone the way of the Dodo in the arrival of cheaply
programmable integrated circuits.

Our hobby keeps getting bigger, all the time.

We didn't abandon valves or transistors, or the spark-gap for that
matter, we improved on them. You can still build a spark-gap
transmitter if you feel the urge, or ferret out a valve or two and
build them into something wonderful, nobody is stopping you.

Today we learn Morse Code because we want to, not because we have to.

We introduce new people with new technology, new ideas, new
innovations and hope that they pick up the cape to become the next

You can bemoan the death of the hobby with the solar cycle at an all
time low, the entry of stupid amateurs who need to learn from their
betters, the passing of the valve and the abolition of Morse Code
requirements, or you can celebrate the appearance of all the new and
shiny toys that arrive in our hobby every day.

The Golden Age of Amateur Radio is Now.

I'm Onno VK6FLAB

To listen to the podcast, visit the website: You can also use your podcast tool of
choice and search for my callsign, VK6FLAB. Full instructions on how
to listen are here:

All podcast transcripts are collated and edited in an annual volume
which you can find by searching for my callsign on your local Amazon
store, or visit my author page: Volume 7
is out now.

Feel free to get in touch directly via email: cq, follow
on twitter: @vk6flab ( or check the
website for more:

If you'd like to join a weekly net for new and returning amateurs,
check out the details at, the net runs
every week on Saturday, from 00:00 to 01:00 UTC on Echolink, IRLP,
AllStar Link and 2m FM via various repeaters.

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