ARLA/CLUSTER: Regulador norueguês consulta radioamadores
João Costa > CT1FBF
Segunda-Feira, 14 de Maio de 2018 - 17:17:54 WEST
Norwegian ham radio license regulations consultation
The NRRL reports Norway's communications regulator NKOM has published
the responses to the consultation on amendments to the Radio Amateur
License Regulations
In their response the NRRL said:
"NRRL is pleased with the proposed changes to the regulations for
radio amateur license. It takes into account many issues that NRRL has
had on the agenda for several years such as status change and power
limit for the 50 MHz band and the possibility of people without a
radio amateur license given to use a group, club or association in
training and recruitment purposes."
"We note that there are no proposed changes in the use of the 1,800
kHz band where we long have wanted permission to use the segment from
1,800 to 1,810 kHz, as well as increased power in segment 1.850 to
2,000 kHz"
"Permitted maximum output power from transmitter should be understood
as the maximum peak power (PEP) which is delivered to the antenna
system during a period of radio signal transmission lines and any
passive adaptation lines."
The consultation responses are available on the NKOM website
NKOM proposal for amendments to the Amateur Radio Regulations of
November 5, 2009 no.1340
NRRL in Google English
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