ARLA/CLUSTER: Memorando de acordo entre os radioamadores e os bombeiros na Costa Rica para o 'ITU Winlink Node Project'

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Terça-Feira, 8 de Maio de 2018 - 17:29:51 WEST

Costa Rica radio hams agreement with Fire Department

A Memorandum of Understanding was signed May 2, 2018, in San José,
Costa Rica between Radio Club de Costa Rica (RCCR) and the Fire
Department of Costa Rica to support the development of the 'ITU
Winlink Node Project' in Costa Rica

Witnesses of honor of this MoU were Edwin Estrada Hernandez,
Telecommunications Vice-Minister of Costa Rica (MICITT), and Elian
Villegas Valverde, Executive President of the Board of Directors of
the Fire Department of Costa Rica.

This project, supported by Radio Club de Costa Rica, is part of ITU’s
plan for the establishment of a Winlink node network in the Central
American countries and the Dominican Republic, with the objective of
strengthening the response capacity in alternate emergency
communications in case of emergency situations or disasters that could
occur in these countries.

Source IARU Region 2

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