ARLA/CLUSTER: O sistema digital D-Star é o mais popular no Reino Unido

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Quinta-Feira, 8 de Março de 2018 - 13:19:07 WET

 GB7IC nears 2000 D-STAR callsign registrations!

The Icom UK D-STAR repeater, *GB7IC*, nears the magical figure of 2000
D-STAR callsign registrations. GB7IC's first registration was way back in
April 2008, and ten years later nearly 2000 people have registered via our
repeater to the gateway.

To have this many registrations from one D-STAR repeater is an incredible
feat and congratulations to the Icom UK team for registering all those

D-STAR is the worlds most popular digital amateur radio network with
currently 1652 repeaters globally*.
In the UK, there are currently, 77 operational D-STAR repeaters with
another 12 licensed and more coming on line. Many, many more callsigns are
registered on these other repeaters.

To find out more about the D-STAR and how to get involved in this exciting
form of Amateur radio, visit our dedicated microsite at

*As quoted by Icom Inc.
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