ARLA/CLUSTER: Radioamadores suportam campanha contra a a
Fibromialgia no Reino Unido
João Costa > CT1FBF
Segunda-Feira, 5 de Março de 2018 - 12:54:30 WET
Veteran long distance walker to use 2m on his latest walk
Fifty-nine year old *Paul Truswell, M3WHO*, of Macclesfield, Cheshire, will
shortly be starting a 900-mile walk south to north across Great Britain.
Paul is no stranger to long-distance walking having walked east to west
across England 560 miles from Lowestoft to Land's End in 2016 and many more
in previous years.
This year, Paul is taking on the challenge of walking solo from the English
Channel at Dover to Cape Wrath, the far north-west corner of the island of
Great Britain, supporting national charity *Fibromyalgia Action UK*.
The route is his hardest to date, and will take him some 50 days to
complete including a few rest days, averaging 18½ miles per day walked.
Paul will be camping where other accommodation is not available; he will
commence the walk on Sunday 1st April.
*Richard Newstead, G3CWI*, will be providing logistic support to Paul from
his motor home using the 2 metre FM band during the last, most remote
stages of the walk, between Oykel Bridge and Cape Wrath, across the
north-west highlands of Scotland.
More information about Paul’s walk can be found at where links to his JustGiving donations
page and social media links can be found.
A fibromialgia é uma sÃndrome crónica caracterizada por queixas dolorosas
neuromusculares difusas e pela presença de pontos dolorosos em regiões
anatomicamente determinadas. E apesar de haver descrições da doença desde
meados do século XIX, só no final da década de 70 foi reconhecida pela
Organização Mundial da Saúde.
Em todo o mundo, estima-se que 2 a 8% da população adulta sofra de
fibromialgia e a maioria dos casos – 80 a 90% – são mulheres com idade
entre os 30 e os 50 anos.
“Sem ter uma casuÃstica estabelecida, posso referir que estamos, neste
momento, a tratar cerca de quatro dezenas de doentes com Fibromialgia, e
que surgem à volta de seis a 10 novos casos por anoâ€, afirma José
Caseiro, coordenador da Unidade de Tratamento da Dor do Hospital LusÃadas
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