ARLA/CLUSTER: Maplin - Um dos ex-maiores retalhistas de equipamentos electrónicos do Reino Unido entra em colapso

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Quinta-Feira, 1 de Março de 2018 - 13:50:36 WET

 Maplin goes into administration

The BBC reports that *Maplin*, one of the UK's biggest electronics
retailers, has collapsed into administration after talks with buyers failed
to secure a sale

Maplin, which has 217 stores and 2,335 staff, will continue to trade
through the process.

Potential buyers had included Edinburgh Woollen Mill, the clothing company
that owns Peacocks, Country Casuals and several other retailers. However,
talks are understood to have broken down.

Set up in 1972 as a small mail order business by Roger and Sandra Allen and
Doug Simmons. The company originally started in a bedroom at the Allens'
home in Rayleigh, Essex after the electronics enthusiasts were disappointed
by the complexity and poor availability of existing electronic component

In 1976 the first store was opened at nearby Westcliff-on-Sea, the founders
sold the company in 1994.

Read the BBC story at

Read the Southend Echo story at
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