ARLA/CLUSTER: Radioamadores belgas encontram-se com o regulador - Expansão da banda de 6m e comunicações via satélite são temas

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Quinta-Feira, 5 de Julho de 2018 - 12:55:41 WEST

 Belgian radio amateurs meet regulator

UBA reports on Tuesday, June 19, Belgium's communications regulator *BIPT* met
with it's stakeholders for a general presentation

A Google English translation of the UBA post says:

UBA also received an invitation, *Stefan ON6TI* and *Freddy ON3FDS*attended
this meeting.

Stefan and Freddy had a brief interview with the four BIPT council members.
Messrs. Michel Van Bellinghen Chairman of the Supervisory Board and
Supervisory Board members Luc Vanfleteren, Jack Hamande and Axel Desmedt.

The expected new KB (Koninklijk Besluit - Royal Decree) for radio amateurs
is very close. We heard that an interministerial meeting took place that
same morning, on which the new Royal Decree was also discussed.

Normally this KB could go into effect from 01.01.2019.

In connection with WRC 2019, where the possibility exists to comment on the
various proposals at the Radio Spectrum Policy Group of the European
Commission until 20 July 2018, Mr Van Bellinghen and Mr Vanfleteren were
asked whether BIPT could take into account the comments made by the radio

Among other things, the expansion of the 6-meter band 50-54 MHz and the new
developments around the radio amateur satellites.

An affirmative reply was received from BIPT.

UBA site in Google Englsih
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