ARLA/CLUSTER: EURAO: Começou ontem a activação TM20SLR

Associação de Radioamadores do Litoral Alentejano cs5arla
Segunda-Feira, 15 de Janeiro de 2018 - 10:54:12 WET

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From: EURAO <eurao>
Date: 2018-01-13 17:17 GMT+00:00
Subject: Starting tomorrow: TM20SLR

[image: EURAO] <> European Radio Amateurs'
Organization open
to the world wide amateur radio community
[image: news]

Amateur Radio News...
TM20SLR: 20 years since the closing of Saint Lys Radio

*14-28 January, 2018*, this special callsign will be on air in memory
of *Saint-Lys
Radio*, the service so much appreciated by all the navigators and their
families, by all the crews of the ships at sea, by all the radio amateurs
and SWLs of HF, and in homage to the human and technical qualities of the
men and women, operators of the station FFL.

Also a weather report will be transmited on *7.110 MHz* at 10:45 UTC
and on *14.300
MHz* at 11:45 UTC in SSB and CW. Please, keep these frequencies free and be
prepared for surprises.
© 2005-2017 *EURAO - European Radio Amateurs' Organization

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