Re: ARLA/CLUSTER: Nova antena Log Periódica, com 13 elementos e 11,5m de boom, da InnovAntennas instalada na estação K6ANP

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Terça-Feira, 9 de Janeiro de 2018 - 13:34:52 WET

Um verdadeiro caso de "State of the Art " tecnológico, incluído o seu preço.

A instalação e montagem por pessoal habilitado e quiçá, certificado pelo
Justin, não está incluída, “penso eu de que…â€

João Costa (CT1FBF)

Log Periodic Dipole Array 13 element 10MHz - 54MHz High Performance LPDA
[image: PDF]
Log Periodic Dipole Array, LPDA for 10MHz to 54MHz HF High Performance LPDA
With shipment Small Antenna Shipping to Rest of World for £59.95
Sales price £1,995.00
Tax amount £399.00

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2018-01-09 12:26 GMT+00:00 João Costa > CT1FBF <ct1fbf>:

> K6ANP power station with InnovAntennas Log Periodic
> This is our 13 element Log Periodic on an 11.5m boom (38’).
> The booms are 45mm across and thick-wall (3.2mm) which double up as feed
> lines for the elements.
> This one installed at K6ANP was sadly caught on one of the elements (which
> bent it) while installing it but is still 1:1.4 on all ham bands.
> Product link is here:
> productdetails/virtuemart_product_id/476/virtuemart_category_id/75.html
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