ARLA/CLUSTER: IARU observa e está apreensiva com as interferências que a tecnologia "Wireless Power Transfer" pode provocar no espectro radioelectrico.

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Terça-Feira, 9 de Janeiro de 2018 - 12:12:42 WET

The IARU watches WPT developments

The WIA report widespread interest continues in Wireless Power
Transfer (WPT) technology, reflecting the considerable concern about
its potential to cause radio frequency interference.

Studies continue ahead of the World Radiocommunications Conference
2019 with its Agenda item 9.1.6 - Wireless Power Transmission (WPT)
for electric vehicles.

WPT applications are expanding to mobile and portable devices, home
appliances and office equipment. The automotive industry looks to it
for electric vehicle applications in the near future.

Power levels range from milliwatts to hundreds of kilowatts and
typical transmission ranges are up about 30 centimetres. But news from
India is that scientists using a nanogenerator can harvest mechanical
energy such as people walking on a footpath, and convert it into
electrical energy. The electricity is transferred wirelessly over a
distance of three metres to a storage device like a battery.

Radio users are concerned that while the intended distance can be
small, it is inevitable that some energy will be coupled into other
conductors acting as unintended antennas. This may cause harmful
interference to incumbent services through the radiation of harmonics.

WPT is recognised as having potential advantages but must develop in
such a way that prevents harmful interference to incumbent services in
the frequency band or bands to be considered. Protection of incumbent
in-band radiocommunication services as well as adjacent and
harmonically related bands from spurious and out-of-band emissions
must also be ensured.

Wireless Institute of Australia

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