ARLA/CLUSTER: 3Y0I - Site anuncia os objectivos da 1.ª Dxpedition polaca à Ilha da Bouvet

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 26 de Fevereiro de 2018 - 15:39:47 WET

 3Y0I Bouvet DXpedition

Looking into more details on the 3Y0I DXpedition to Bouvet Island, their
Web page points out specific goals the 3Y0I team wants to archieve:
* To be the very first Polish expedition to the subantarctic island
of Bouvet
* To make radio contacts with amateur radio enthusiasts from all over
the world with our ham radio expedition
* To geographically explore the island, including reaching the island's
highest peak, Olavtoppen (760m a.s.l.), which is 93% covered with an
ice cap
* To photo and video document their cruise and stay at the island
including documentation for the Norwegian Polar Institute and their
* Place a "time capsule" at Olavtoppen
* Bouvet is ranked #2 on the DXCC Most-Wanted List, and thousands of
hams around the globe on all continents are waiting for a chance to
make a radio contact with Bouvet since the island was last heard on
the air over 10 years ago
* Thanks to Bouvet's unique and demanding location, their 3 week long
cruise on stormy seas and ability to broadcast live from the island,
their expedition will become a world-wide event across Polish and
international media

Look for the 3Y0I team plan to update more details and news on their Web
page as well as FaceBook and Twitter.
No specific dates have been announced for the 3Y0I DXpedition, but they
state it will take place during the sub-antarctic summer in the Southern

BREAKING NEWS (Their Web page posted the following update on February 24th)
[edited]: Once we rebooted preparations to our expedition, there are new,
better ideas and breakthrough possibilities emerging. We also received a
big number of questions, suggestions and comments from hams all over the
world to which we wish to respond with our latest important news.

-- A new vessel – new possibilities --
Apart from our expedition yacht, we've managed to secure bigger ex-
pedition vessel at really bargain rates. The vessel will secure
transportation of team members and all the equipment to the island. The
vessels' crew is experienced in troop landing at Bouvet and other
sub-antarctic islands. Our cruise plan doesn't change; we'll depart from
and sail back to Cape Town, which will reduce time and cost involved to
possible minimum.
We will publish dates of our expedition shortly.
The bigger vessel will also allow to take a bigger amount of team members
and payload without increasing the cost of our project. The landing
procedure will be supervised by landing troops and will utilize special
boats that will allow the team to transport our gear and to land at the
island safely.

Our preparations to the expedition are taking place in extraordinary times
and under unusual conditions. As we informed previously, our initial plans
to go to Bouvet in late 2017 were suspended after receiving a kind request
from the 3Y0Z's organizers. Bearing in mind their commitment, devotion and
big budget they were forced to sacrifice while aborting their expedition,
we took a breaking through decision, which – we hope – will find an
acceptance not only of the 3Y0Z Team but also among hams waiting for
Bouvet's ATNO all over the world.

-- The invitation --
Hereby, we – as the organizers of the *3Y0I* Bouvet Island Expedition –
invite the team of the *3Y0Z* expedition to join forces and to participate
in our common project. The common project that will also allow to make
their initial plans coming true. Our decision is also caused by a fact we
are fully aware and full of sympathy of their disappointment as the
organizers followed by public opinions following the failure and
cancellation of their plans.
Thanks to joining the projects, we'll be able to reduce cost of our common
venture as well as we'll be able to bring Bouvet Island on the air under
better conditions with more benefits to the ham radio society.

Our unprecedented decision opens not only new fantastic opportunities, but
is also a proof that our plans are driven by the Ham Spirit and will of
cooperation, not division.

Looking forward to cooperation and bringing Bouvet island on the air –

*The 3Y0I Bouvet island Expedition*

Fonte: via OPDX
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