ARLA/CLUSTER: Sociedades membros da IARU não endossam ou sequer particionarão o prémio "Worked All Continents" em 5 MHz
João Costa > CT1FBF
Segunda-Feira, 31 de Dezembro de 2018 - 13:08:53 WET
No 5 MHz endorsement for Worked All Continents
The IARU, which sponsors the *Worked All Continents* award, has made clear
that it *does not* sponsor a 5 MHz (60 metres) endorsement.
"All IARU member-societies please note: the IARU Worked All Continents
award is not available with an endorsement for 5 MHz," an IARU announcement
from IARU Secretary David Sumner, K1ZZ, said.
"The only band endorsements currently available are for 160, 80, 6 and 2
metres as well as 70 and 23 cm."
The question arose after an individual displaying a purported IARU WAC 5
MHz Award certificate on said other IARU member-societies have been
issuing WAC certificates bearing a 5 MHz endorsement under IARU auspices.
Ordinarily, an ARRL member would apply for the award through the League,
but this individual's membership had lapsed; he apparently looked
elsewhere. ARRL told the individual that the award, displayed over Dave
Sumner's signature, "does not match the awards we issue from ARRL, nor can
we find any application that was submitted for such an award."
ARRL issues no specific awards for 60 metres. Dave Sumner did say that WAC
endorsements for 135.7 kHz and 472 kHz would be available shortly, however.
Fonte: via OPDX
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