ARLA/CLUSTER: Federação do Kazaquistão de Radioamadores e Radio Desportos saúda os participantes no "15th IARU HST world championship"

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Terça-Feira, 28 de Agosto de 2018 - 13:17:37 WEST

15th IARU HST world championship in progress

The event center is hotel Ibis in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan. The
host of the High Speed Telegraphy championship is KFRR, Kazakhstan
federation of radiosport and radioamateurs

The opening ceremony took place at the "Pupil's Palace" just across hotel
Ibis. Representatives of the Kazakhstan government, administration of the
city of Astana, and guests attended the opening ceremony.

The championship was officially opened by the president of the committee
for sport at the Ministry of sport and culture. Official photos from the
opening ceremony can be seen and download from the official web page of the

The competition part of the championship started on Sunday 26th.

The morning session was completed at 13.00 local time ( 07.00 GMT ).

Preliminary and live results can be followed at

The official results can be seen and download at the official web page of
the championship

The afternoon session started at 14.30 local time ( 08.30 GMT )

Source IARU Region 1
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