ARLA/CLUSTER: Presidente da IARU Região 1 faz comparação entre os diversos exames em vários países da CEPT

Associação de Radioamadores do Litoral Alentejano cs5arla
Segunda-Feira, 30 de Abril de 2018 - 13:09:11 WEST

IARU Region 1 Exam and Licence comparison

A comparison chart for amateur radio exams and licences in countries
in IARU Region 1 has been released by IARU-R1 President Don Beattie

It is now available for download from the REF website.

One omission from the published chart appears to be the length of the
exams and the number of questions on the paper which can vary
dramatically between countries. In some countries there isn't even a
written exam, instead questions and answers are verbal.

The UK is well known for having the toughest exam system. To get a
CEPT Class 1 (Full) licence candidates need to complete three separate
multiple choice exams totaling 133 questions and successfully complete
some 22 practical assessments. By comparison in Norway you only need
to do a single multiple choice exam with just 28 questions and no
practical assessments to get their 1 kW CEPT Class 1 licence.

Direct link to IARU-R1 chart

REF site in Google English

Exam requirements for amateur radio CEPT Class 1 licence

UK amateur radio exam history

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