ARLA/CLUSTER: Noticias da ex - DXpedition à Ilha de Bouvet

Associação de Radioamadores do Litoral Alentejano cs5arla
Segunda-Feira, 30 de Abril de 2018 - 12:53:35 WEST

Bouvet Island DXpedition News

To the DX Community.....
There have been several important milestones reached and decisions
made in the last few weeks.

We have received a partial reimbursement on our payments made to DAP,
our transportation contractor. In our view, this it is a fair
settlement with them. Our vessel, Betanzos is now back in Punta Arenas
and we believe the container with our personal gear and equipment are
intact. We will be arranging to transport the container back to the
US, arriving in a few months.

It has become apparent that the chance of finding a suitable and
affordable vessel for the 2018-19 Austral season is becoming less and
less likely. It appears that the very earliest that we could mount a
second attempt to activate Bouvet would be the 2019-20 season or
possibly beyond.

Thus, we have made the decision to offer a pro-rata return of the
remaining 3Y0Z DXpedition funds in our account. This will occur only
after the container has arrived here and we have paid all our bills.
Only then, will we know the net balance to be distributed. As you may
have concluded, this is going to be an enormous task with 137 DX Clubs
and Foundations and 3700 individual DXers. The process will take some
time. We ask that you be patient as we complete this.

You will have the choice of a pro-rata return of your contribution, or
you may designate a foundation or club to receive your contribution.
Any “unclaimed” refunds will be proportionally distributed to the
major contributing foundations. Later this year, we will explain the
way to claim your refund.

After the return of the funds is completed, we will close the
accounting books and the bank account of 3Y0Z. This is always our
procedure as each DXpedition must stand on its own. We believe this is
the proper way to wrap up the DXpedition.

We all are unhappy and extremely disappointed that the project was not
completed due to a mechanical failure on our vessel. This left the
Captain no choice but to abort the mission for safety reasons.

Please accept our team’s heartfelt thanks for your outstanding support
of this project.

Fonte: via OPDX

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