ARLA/CLUSTER: Sexto numero da revista gratuita "HackSpace Magazine" em PDF

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 23 de Abril de 2018 - 10:38:21 WEST

HackSpace Magazine free PDF

Issue 6 of *HackSpace* magazine mentions amateur radio and provides links
to the RSGB and ARRL

Pages 56-61 looks at radios from crystal sets to RTL SDR dongles. The
article covers turning your Raspberry Pi into a radio transmitter and
provides a design for a low pass filter to reduce the harmonics that can be

They say *"You may be happy to play with a simple regenerative receiver or
a cheap RTL software-defined receiver but, if your interest goes further,
the field of amateur radio is a logical next step."*

Hackspace magazine issue 6

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