ARLA/CLUSTER: Filme com radioamadores 'A Quiet Place'

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 9 de Abril de 2018 - 11:15:23 WEST

Movie features ham radio

The ARRL report the movie *'A Quiet Place'*, starring *Emily Blunt* and *John
Krasinski*, features amateur radio

The New York Times describes it as "A welcome alternative to the
mind-shredding din of virtually any modern action movie, “A Quiet Place†is
an old-fashioned creature feature with a single, simple hook: The creatures
are blind, hungry and navigate by sound."

Scene from "A Quiet Place"

The Philly Inquirer notes the ham radio in the basement is used to listen
for signs of life and solar panels on the roof provide plenty of noiseless

The Inquirer review
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