ARLA/CLUSTER: Se uma empresa deixar de lhe fornecer um serviço quem deve ser responsável por retirar a infraestrutura

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Sexta-Feira, 6 de Abril de 2018 - 13:52:08 WEST

Customer left with unwanted antenna after company collapse

Stoke-on-Trent newspaper *The Sentinel* reports on a radio enthusiast, *Simon
Blight*, who found himself stuck with an antenna he doesn't want

Unhappy customer Simon Blight is warning shoppers to be wary of buying from
firms in administration – after being left with a radio antenna he doesn’t

He had bought the device from Stoke’s Maplin store only to get it home and
find it didn’t work in the way he’d expected.

Simon, a radio enthusiast from Leek, subsequently wrote to the business’
customer service asking if he could return the £19.99 product but was told
he would have to take it up with the manufacturer.

He said: “I was looking for an aerial for a handset and the one I bought
seemed perfect so I ordered it online. But when I got home it didn’t work
as I had expected so I asked for a refund only to be told that everything
was sold as seen - I am not happy.

Read the full story at
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