ARLA/CLUSTER: ZD7VDE - DXpedition à Ilha de Santa Helena

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 18 de Setembro de 2017 - 18:36:57 WEST

Santa Helena (Saint Helena em inglês) é o principal componente do
território britânico ultramarino de Santa Helena, Ascensão e Tristão
da Cunha, localizado praticamente a meio do Atlântico Sul, mas
geralmente englobada nos territórios africanos por se encontrar mais
perto de África do que da América do Sul. Tendo sido uma colónia até
1981, a ilha de Santa Helena (122 km² e 4 255 habitantes) tem como
território mais próximo a ilha de Ascensão, seguindo-se a costa
africana do sul de Angola e do norte da Namíbia, a leste. Sua capital
é Jamestown.

ZD7VDE DXpedition is on again!

Bill, G0VDE, informs OPDX that his ZD7VDE DXpedition is back on.
He has waited over a year for the Island of St. Helena's airport to
start commercial fights back up again.

You may remember last year, Bill tried a few times to go to St.
Helena, but the airport had issues with turbulence and windshear on
approach to their runway.

Bill states [edited], "Well, they are finally starting on October
14th, and I am hoping to be on the first commercial flights to St.
Helena after all!
I am planning to stay for one week for this trip, and will be
operating SSB and some Data (maybe even FT8!).
As before, I am staying in self-catering accommodation a couple of
miles from James- town, on a plateau above the town with a good
take-off to the W, N and E.

"The radios I am planning to take are FT-991 and FT-891 and a Juma
PA1000, with a vertical antenna and a variety of wires, dipoles and
fiberglass supports.

"I have setup a Web site at:
My callsign should be ZD7VDE. Online log will be via ClubLog and QSLs
via OQRS.... Please note that it is possible the flights may be
delayed and I may travel later than 14th October - see my website for
more information."

Fonte: OPDX

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