ARLA/CLUSTER: Episodio 119 da série "Foundations of Amateur Radio"
João Costa > CT1FBF
Segunda-Feira, 18 de Setembro de 2017 - 18:11:56 WEST
Foundations of Amateur Radio - Episode 119
Storing your Amateur stuff ... everywhere
There is so much stuff associated with Amateur Radio that your family
might be forgiven in thinking that your hobby is all about being in
the middle of a junk-yard surrounded by the carcasses of disassembled
gear, components, failed projects, obsolete equipment and scraps of
wire, solder and countless screws, resistors and other bits and pieces
that are just too valuable to dispose of.
During the week I cleaned up my workshop and learned some lessons along the way.
Foundations of Amateur Radio is a weekly podcast about the 1000
hobbies that make our community. You can listen on-air, on-line or
on-demand. Get your own personal copy from the website at, or search for my callsign
VK6FLAB on iTunes, Google, or your personal podcast directory for your
weekly fix.
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