ARLA/CLUSTER: Aprovadas emissões em 475 / 137 kHz para estações especificas de radioamadores nos E.U.A.
João Costa > CT1FBF
Segunda-Feira, 16 de Outubro de 2017 - 13:18:26 WEST
UTC issues 475/137kHz approvals to transmit to specific USA ham stations
Yesterday (Friday 13th), some lucky email recipients received approvals
deemed by the UTC not to be within 1Km of PLCs operating on 137 or 475kHz,
and can operate using their amateur calls.
The UTC had 30 days to approve or otherwise after receiving an application -
Expect ham calls from the USA to appear on CW and digital modes from today
on both bands - Its been a long struggle, over many years, but *Friday the
13th* isn't so unlucky.
*Laurence, KL7L*
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