ARLA/CLUSTER: Emissões da Radio Caroline em AM nos 648 kHz

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Sexta-Feira, 6 de Outubro de 2017 - 09:57:39 WEST

Radio Caroline AM

Radio Caroline have just issued the following statement regarding
their planned 648kHz AM service:

Many people are asking about the 648kHz AM service and where we stand.
Thanks for your continued interest and support. Here's an update as of
October 5th from Peter Moore...

We know that people are as keen to see our new service commence, as
are we. There was a romantic notion that we 'might just' get on air by
August 14th and indeed, this was tried but it was not possible.

It is a new situation for Caroline to have to consider matters like
Fire Insurance, Health and Safety, Public Liability and all the
regulations and certifications needed for handling heavy objects,
working at height and the dangers of RF and high voltages.

In simple terms we know exactly what we are doing but just need lots
of paperwork to prove it. When this is achieved, the actual
installation is a relatively easy task and we are keen to do this at
the earliest opportunity.

• Our thanks to Mike Terry for the above information

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