ARLA/CLUSTER: Sistema Fusion da Yaesu discutido na Conferencia digital de Comunicações
João Costa > CT1FBF
Sexta-Feira, 6 de Outubro de 2017 - 09:53:10 WEST
Yaesu's System Fusion at Digital Communications Conference
HamRadioNow have released the video of the DCC talk by Chris Petersen
K9EQ on the capabilities and possibilities of Yaesu's System Fusion
This is one of several videos produced by Gary Pearce KN4AQ of talks
given at the TAPR and ARRL Digital Communications Conference 2017.
Gary notes you can skip Intro & begging by fast-forwarding to 5:14.
Watch HRN 351: Fusion from the Inside - 2017 DCC
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