ARLA/CLUSTER: Radioamadores australianos não concordam com o regulador nas análises da gestão de interferências efectuadas.

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Terça-Feira, 3 de Outubro de 2017 - 13:09:45 WEST

WIA submission to the ACMA Interference Management Review

WIA News reports the WIA was disappointed to see the ACMA use the public
benefit metric to justify a relaxation in interference Standards recently
for BPL/PLT modems

The Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA) is concerned that the risk of
interference to amateur communications may be considered low by the
Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA), when compared to
other radiocommunications or telecommunications services.

The WIA makes this point in a submission to the ACMA that is reviewing its
Interference Management Principles.

The WIA advocates assurance within the Principles that the move to a
market-based approach to interference resolution will not disadvantage the
amateur service, or other not-for-profit services.

The radio amateur population is widely dispersed with the majority living
in urban environments surrounded by a multitude of electronic devices.

Any relaxation or breach of the electromagnetic compliance framework, or
electromagnetic interference management, would have a very detrimental
effect on the low-signal level communications abilities of radio amateurs.

The WIA was disappointed to see the ACMA use the public benefit metric to
justify a relaxation in interference Standards recently for BPL/PLT modems.

It hopes this will not be extended to other recognised potential
interference sources such as LED lighting, switch-mode power supplies,
inverters, and solar power installations ... or for that matter, Wireless
Power Transfer installations for transport applications.

The radiocommunications community observes that the noise floor across the
radiofrequency spectrum is rising due to the proliferation of electronic
and electro-technical devices.

The WIA is keen to ensure that the ACMA continue to regulate supply of
equipment, and pursue spectrum management practices to minimise such

The full submission is on the WIA website

*(Jim Linton VK3PC*
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