Re: ARLA/CLUSTER: Radio Caroline tem licença para emitir em AM com 1 kW em 648 kHz

José Eduardo ct2gqn
Quinta-Feira, 30 de Novembro de 2017 - 13:46:30 WET

Aqui em baixo em Vila Real de Santo António escuta-se nessa frequência o
emissor de Badajoz da RNE 1 -rádio Nacional de Espanha com qualidade
aceitável( Bem melhor que o emissor da Antena 1 de vila boim) , pelo que
vai ser difícil escutar a rádio carolina.

José Eduardo

2017-11-30 12:56 GMT+00:00 João Costa > CT1FBF <ct1fbf>:

> Caroline AM licence - A kilowatt on 648
> An update today from Peter Moore on the station website:
> On 17th May 2017 Ofcom informed us that our application for an AM licence
> had been approved and that a licence will be awarded.
> This is the end of – or a further step in – a process started by Bob
> Lawrence in 2010 and enthusiastically supported by Tracey Crouch MP. We
> thank them both and further thank the many other people who have helped
> along the way.
> The basis of our application was that our traditional heartland was Essex
> and Suffolk, where the signal from our ships made first landfall and that
> we wished to entertain on AM, an audience that we have not been able to
> serve in this way since 1990.
> We said that this audience may hear music radio of a style they remember
> and in some cases presented by the same people they remember.
> That in essence is what we intend to do.
> July 2017: We announced that our AM frequency will be 648 kHz with a power
> of 1000 watts. This is ERP or simply the power radiated by the aerial.
> A transmitter was imported from the Continent and modified to suit the
> frequency. There were further hurdles, but progress was made and tests
> started on Sunday 12th November.
> November 2017: After the award of our AM licence we were kindly offered a
> transmission site at Stonham Aspel, Suffolk and at a very sympathetic cost.
> But the site had no facilities, requiring us to install a mast, transmitter
> building, power and Internet.
> We then identified a coastal site where everything was in place including
> a mast already tuned for 648 and this is the location we chose.
> A commissioning test proved that all was operating to the satisfaction of
> Ofcom and after some days of silence we are now testing full time to ensure
> that the equipment is reliable. Then we will proceed to normal programmes.
> Thanks must go to the site owners and the clever Techies who made it all
> work.
> More here:
> Radio Caroline <>
> *•* Our thanks to *Mike Terry* for the above information
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