ARLA/CLUSTER: Correcção às classes de licenças permite no Uruguai a banda de 60m às categorias superiores.
João Costa > CT1FBF
Quinta-Feira, 18 de Maio de 2017 - 12:43:53 WEST
Correction to Licence Classes permitted to use Uruguay 60m Allocation
An entry (p.11) in the RCU - Uruguay national society’s bulletin CX511 has
an FAQ section concerning the new Uruguay Amateur Radio Regulations and in
particular about 60m operation
This indicates that currently access to the new Uruguay WRC-15 allocation
is permitted only to Superior class licence holders.
(Google English translation attached)
*Paul, G4MWO*Editor,
*The 5 MHz Newsletter*
*RCU FAQ on new Uruguay Regs – 60m Superior only – Boletin CX511 pdf*
*13) I want to use the new 60 meter band. Should I take any precautions or
limitations in their use?*
Indeed, the new band of 60 meters is only enabled for amateur radio of
Superior category (ex-ADVANCED)
The current regulation has an inconsistency, since clearly in the Numeral
4.3 does not assign the 60-meter band to the general category, then In
paragraph 15.2 assigns a Pire power of 15W to that category, This does not
mean I can use it.
It is a band in which the amateur radio service has a secondary character,
or other services have priority,
Avoid interfering with them
The maximum power to be used is 25W PIRE, you must take into account that
if your antenna has a higher gain than the unit should reduce it.
They are only 15 KHz of which 3 are assigned to CW and digital modes, if
well it has 12 KHz assigned to "all modes" ... you must take into account
That if you leave "FonÃa" with a bandwidth superior to 2.7 khz, you Is
making space for other colleagues, making misuse of the spectrum in that
band, .... be careful with the bandwidth you use
Finally Uruguay is a pioneer in the region, it is a new band, with few
allocations within Region 2, therefore, control with whom communicates, it
can be a "pirate" station by not having the band enabled in his country.
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