ARLA/CLUSTER: Episódio 95 da série "Foundations of Amateur Radio"

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Sexta-Feira, 31 de Março de 2017 - 13:09:56 WEST

Foundations of Amateur Radio - Episode 95

Adding /QRP, /mobile or /portable to your call sign.

Every time you go on-air a new addition to the stroke brigade finds
its way into a call sign. I'm /portable, /marine, /mobile, /QRP and in
a /helicopter eating a /bagel.

You might be surprised to learn that none of those things are legal,
none of them are required and the regulator, at least in Australia,
only makes some suggestions about what you might consider about
indicating your location.

Foundations of Amateur Radio is a weekly podcast about the wonderful
hobby of Amateur or Ham Radio. In short weekly segments I discuss
different parts of this wide ranging community and help explain some
of the trickier parts.

You can find this podcast on your podcast library of choice, on iTunes
if you search for my call sign, VK6FLAB, or on the web at

Click to hear this week's episode:


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