ARLA/CLUSTER: Qualificação mínima, segundo a Recomendação da ITU M.1544, para que um radioamador visitante possa operar na Nova Zelândia por 90 dias.

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 24 de Julho de 2017 - 12:56:36 WEST

Minimum qualifications of radio amateurs

ITU Recommendation *M.1544* defines minimum levels of operational and
technical knowledge for a person wishing to operate a station in the
amateur services

The recommendation is set at a level that would seem to encompass all
existing Entry Level licences. It appears that even a sub-set of the
existing UK Foundation syllabus could still meet the minimum requirements.

You can download ITU Rec M.1544 from

New Zealand's amateur radio licence, the General User Radio Licence, quotes
Recommendation M.1544 as a requirement for visitors wishing to operate
under the terms of the GURL for up to 90 days.

Operation in New Zealand by overseas amateurs is covered in Clause 7 of the
GURL which can be downloaded from
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