ARLA/CLUSTER: Episodio 17 da série TX Factor
João Costa > CT1FBF
Segunda-Feira, 17 de Julho de 2017 - 12:10:54 WEST
Episode 17 of TX Factor Show released
TX Factor goes digital as *Mike Marsh G1IAR*gives *Bob McCreadie G0FGX* an
introduction to operating on DMR, Yaesu Fusion and D Star as part of his
digital fun
In part one of the series, they take a trip to a local farm to see how an
amateur has set up his own Fusion Gateway.
Ever wonder why QSL cards take a long time to complete their journey? Bob
finds out what we can do to help speed up he process.
*Pete M0PSX* visits Norwich to spend a day with the Norfolk Amateur Radio
Club at their annual field day event, Radio Active to discover why they won
the coveted prize of RSGB Large Club of The Year.
Watch TX Factor - Episode 17 (TXF017)
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