ARLA/CLUSTER: Episodio 108 da série "Foundations of Amateur Radio"

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 3 de Julho de 2017 - 18:43:26 WEST

Foundations of Amateur Radio - Episode 108

*Our license naming convention is Elitist and Unproductive*

For a long time I've struggled with the way we differentiate between the
different license classes in Amateur Radio. In Australia, the three levels
of license are Foundation, Standard and Advanced.

Our naming conventions convey that more and more is gained as you progress
though the ranks, but they also convey that you are incomplete if you're
not at the top of the food chain with an Advanced, Extra or Full license.

What if there was another way that would encourage participation, allow
participation at their chosen level and offer a progression that made much
more sense?

*Foundations of Amateur Radio* is a weekly podcast about the 1000 hobbies
that Amateur or Ham Radio represents. You can listen on-line by visiting
the website at, listen on-demand
via *iTunes*, search for my call-sign, *VK6FLAB*, or listen on-air on local
amateur repeaters across the globe.

*Onno VK6FLAB*
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