ARLA/CLUSTER: Noruega: Entender porque as reações iniciais dos ouvintes ao encerramento da emissões analógicas em FM não são positivas

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Terça-Feira, 31 de Janeiro de 2017 - 12:27:53 WET

Norway: initial listener reactions to FM shutdown aren't positive

Los Angeles —  I’m an advocate of digital radio here in the U.S., and in
this newsletter we’re keeping you up-to-date on the progress of digital
radio in other countries as well.

Still, when listeners have so many other ways to get programming, one would
have to wonder if just shutting off FM (as they are now doing in Norway)
and compelling listeners to learn how to find you on the (relatively) new
medium is such a good idea.

Are we really giving them enough reasons to do that?

Read the full RadioMagOnline article:

*•* Our thanks to *Mike Terry* for spotting this item
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