ARLA/CLUSTER: Podcast "Foundations of Amateur Radio" - Episodio 85

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 23 de Janeiro de 2017 - 13:18:57 WET

Foundations of Amateur Radio - Episode 85

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but sometimes something particularly
hideous might actually be a thing of beauty.

The best dipole I ever used looks horrible and I'm glad I ignored what it
looked like.

Foundations of Amateur Radio is a weekly podcast about the 1000 hobbies
that HAM radio represents. You can hear it on-line, on-air or get your own
copy on-demand from the website at

If you prefer, you can subscribe via your favourite podcast tool by
searching for my callsign VK6FLAB on iTunes.

*Onno Benschop*
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