ARLA/CLUSTER: Universidade de Fairbanks chama a atenção para o Efeito de Luxemburgo gerado pelas emissões da HAARP

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 27 de Fevereiro de 2017 - 13:56:58 WET

Efeito Luxemburgo - O Efeito Luxemburgo manifesta-se quando as ondas
irradiadas por uma emissora de rádio atravessam a mesma região da
ionosfera que são também atravessadas por ondas de outras frequências,
de outras emissoras. Como resultado, o programa da estação mais
potente se sobrepõe distintamente ao ser ouvido durante a recepção das
emissoras mais fracas.[1]

Fonte: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre


University of Fairbanks HAARP ionospheric heating - and the Luxembourg effect

Over a series of days this week, research scientists re-led by UAFs
Chris Fallen KL3WX, activated the multi MeggaWatt HAARP HF
transmitters at Gakona Alaska and conducted a series of experiments
using ionospheric heating, focussing the huge RF power and harnessing
the non linear nature of the ionosphere at typically just less that
the critical vertical maximum frequency.

One was to see if the Luxembourg effect could be recreated with
transmitters on 3.3 and 2.8MHz on amplitude modulation using a
different tone frequency on each transmitter, and dual channel music
composed and played by Jeff Dumps KL4IU; one part of the song on each

The result using stereo headphones is quite interesting and turn the
volume up! Typically audio from the 3.3MHz rx is on the left hand

Modulation from the other transmitter can be cleared heard and seen on
both Frequncies in this you tube video. The mixed audio is of a lower
amplitude and somewhat muffled via the ionospheric heating and mixing

The receive station at KL7L was approx 200 miles away across a
mountain range and used a pair of TS850s and a shared NVIS dipole.

There are many more examples from other radio hams on you tube too.

Laurence KL7L

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