ARLA/CLUSTER: Episódio 88 da serie "Foundations of Amateur Radio"

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 13 de Fevereiro de 2017 - 12:15:31 WET

Foundations of Amateur Radio - Episode 88

The pimples on the Sun that erupt and make a mess are called Sun-spots
and they make it possible for you to use your Amateur Radio on HF for
long distance communication via the ionosphere.

How does this actually work and what is a Sun-spot actually and why
are Sun-spot numbers not the same as the numbers of dots on the Sun.
This week I investigate how getting Sun burned is like heating the ionosphere.

Foundations of Amateur Radio is a weekly podcast about anything ham
radio and can be downloaded from and
found on iTunes by searching for VK6FLAB.

Thank you for your kind and sometimes provocative emails, unexpected,
fun and enlightening, keep 'em coming - vk6flab

Onno Benschop VK6FLAB

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