ARLA/CLUSTER: DXpedition à Ilha de Bouvet recebe contribuição de 100 000 dolares da Northern California DX Foundation
João Costa > CT1FBF
Segunda-Feira, 14 de Agosto de 2017 - 12:43:41 WEST
A ilha Bouvet é uma possessão norueguesa na extremidade sul do Oceano
Atlântico. Bouvet é considerada a mais isolada ilha desabitada do
Mundo, estando localizada a mais de 1.600 km da Terra da Rainha Maud,
na Antárctida, que é o pedaço de terra mais próximo. Além da
Antárctida, as outras distâncias a partir de Bouvet são ainda maiores,
chegando a 1.835 km até a ilha Gough, no território britânico de Santa
Helena, Ascensão e Tristão da Cunha; a 1.852 km até a Ilha Montagu, no
também território britânico das Ilhas Geórgia do Sul e Sandwich do
Sul; a 2.498 km até ao Cabo da Boa Esperança, na África do
Sul; e a 2.504 km até à ilha Marion, no arquipélago sul-africano das
Ilhas do Príncipe Eduardo.
Bouvet Island DXpedition receives largest-ever NCDXF grant
The 3Y0Z team is extremely grateful to the Northern California DX
Foundation for their $100,000 contribution to our Bouvet Island
DXpedition. We are honored and privileged to receive the largest grant
even given by NCDXF.
This contribution by the NCDXF mandates that we as a team, and each of
us as an individual, recognize the responsibility that accompanies the
level of trust placed in us. It demands the best of us, being on
Bouvet singly focused on the DX and amateur community worldwide --
nothing else.
We as a team accept that responsibility. We pledge to do our best –
nothing less. Our goal is to have your call in our log and get home
safely – nothing more.
While we are light years from where we started this project, we still
have work to do and financial challenges to meet to get us to Bouvet,
give you those QSO’s, and get home again. We thank the NCDXF and all
of you who have helped us financially and with your good wishes. You
have moved us well down the path to Bouvet and we would be honored by
your continued support. Together we will make this happen.
Thank you....
The Bouvet Island DXpedition Team
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