ARLA/CLUSTER: Waters & Stanton anuncia a comercialização da antena multi-banda MFJ-1835 para espaços reduzidos com kit para 40m
João Costa > CT1FBF
Sexta-Feira, 4 de Agosto de 2017 - 13:31:32 WEST
Waters & Stanton announce the release of the MFJ 1835 HK34 30m / 40m add-on
The *MFJ 1835* is one of MFJ’s most popular antennas, a cobweb which is
compact and light weight and allows the modern ham with a ‘postage stamp’
sized garden the ability to install a horizontal antenna.
The MFJ 1835 covers 20 through to 10m inclusive at up to 600 Watts while
the MFJ 1835H provides the same band coverage with 1.5kw power handling
With the launch of the MFJ 1835HK34, either of the above versions of this
antenna can be extended to cover both 30m and 40m bands for just £139.95.
For more information visit the W&S website here:
Or contact sales
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