ARLA/CLUSTER: Indian Ocean 6M EME DXpeditions
João Costa > CT1FBF
Segunda-Feira, 10 de Abril de 2017 - 12:43:31 WEST
Indian Ocean 6M EME DXpeditions
*Lance, W7GJ*, will once again be active from the Indian Ocean to focus on
6 meters EME QSOs.
This time Lance is planning a 6 Meter EME DXpedition (for the first time)
to West Island/Cocos Island as VK9CGJ between September 12-28th, and
Christmas Island as VK9XGJ between October 2-18th.
All airline tickets have been purchased and lodging reservations have been
made. He informs OPDX this week that his operating schedules are now posted
on his Web page at:
He also mentioned, "I am very excited by all the new stations on 6m digital
due to the widespread use of MSK144 on random meteor scatter! All these
stations also have the capability to run JT65A mode, and many probably have
the capability to operate 6m EME during their moonset or moonrise.
"Please spread the word to any newcomers to 6m digital about my upcoming 6m
EME DXpedition, and invite them to try practicing with some big stations
before next September.
"Since my last update, I have been busy finalizing plans for the upcoming
DXpedition, as well as checking out my equipment.
A separate PTT was added to the FT-857 I am taking to VK9:
"I also have been finishing a plan for the operating schedules at VK9.
New EXCEL and PDF links to the planned operating schedules at VK9C and VK9X
are on my webpage:
"Because I am so far away, the only possibility for eastern NA is during my
moonset, and the only possibility for western NA is on my moonrise.
Please refer to the posted planned operating schedules for details. If you
think that you will not be able to be QRV for any of the times shown on the
operating schedule, or are concerned that you think I may not be QRV during
your only moon windows, please send me an email and I will try to make a
special effort to watch for you. However, remember that I will have trouble
elevating over 60 degrees elevation, so please try to work me when my moon
is lower than that.
"I know there also are a number of new stations planning to come onto 6m
EME in the coming months - please make sure that I have your callsigns and
grid squares in my CALL3.txt file so I don't disregard your call as a false
"Please note that the above planned operating schedules are subject to
change. However, I am planning to operate from moonrise to moonset for
3 days from each DXCC during the 3 days of lowest Degradation each month.
This hopefully will provide enough opportunity even for stations who are
not in EU or NA. Please note that the days of lowest Degradation will also
be over a weekend while I am in both DXCC, so I am providing activity at a
time when I hope most stations can be active. Even though 6m EME conditions
are not ideal, I also plan to be QRV from moonrise to moonset from VK9XGJ
during the first weekend of the ARRL EME Contest, October 7-8.
"Please let me know if you have any questions. Good luck and I hope to see
you from VK9 in just 5 months from now!
Best wishes for success during the upcoming Es season!....
*VY 73, Lance*"
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