ARLA/CLUSTER: Revisto Memorando de Entendimento entre a ARRL e a FCC

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Sexta-Feira, 7 de Abril de 2017 - 13:16:30 WEST

Revised Memorandum of Understanding between ARRL and FCC still a Work
in Progress

The ARRL Executive Committee (EC) has directed that work begin on
finalizing the language of a revised memorandum of understanding
between ARRL and the FCC regarding the Amateur Auxiliary (Official
Observer) program. The EC met on March 25 in Aurora, Colorado.

The panel, which acts on behalf of the ARRL Board of Directors between
its regular meetings, heard an update on the Official Observer Program
Revitalization Study from ARRL Second Vice President and committee
chair Brian Mileshosky, N5ZGT, who said his committee plans to present
final recommendations later this year on revamping the Amateur
Auxiliary, for ultimate consideration by the full Board.

In his remarks, General Counsel Chris Imlay, W3KD, was complimentary
of new FCC Chairman Ajit Pai and told the EC he thinks enforcement
efforts may be more successful in the future, due to the new
chairman's interest in the issue.

Imlay also said the new chief of the Enforcement Bureau, Michael
Carowitz, is reported to be "amateur friendly." He told the EC that he
foresees a potential window of opportunity for improved spectrum
enforcement work, as well as the opportunity to build a stronger
working relationship with the FCC on all issues.

Fonte: ARRL

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