Fwd: ARLA/CLUSTER: Conversor UnUn de 1 kW da Ham Goodies por 2 Libras

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf gmail.com
Segunda-Feira, 3 de Abril de 2017 - 14:29:55 WEST

Hi,hi, hi é o problema dos atrasos nas comunicações referente a 1 de

João Costa (CT1FBF)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Pedro Ribeiro <ct7abp  gmail.com>
Date: 2017-04-03 13:50 GMT+01:00
Subject: Re: ARLA/CLUSTER: Conversor UnUn de 1 kW da Ham Goodies por 2
To: Resumo Noticioso ARLA/CLUSTER <cluster  radio-amador.net>

An UnUn is an *Un*balanced to *Un*balanced converter - The most popular
types are those with a 9:1 winding ratio
<http://www.hamgoodies.co.uk/unun-100w>.  We also stock a Multi-UnUn
<http://www.hamgoodies.co.uk/multi-unun-250w> that offers 4:1, 9:1 and 16:1
ratios.  This new product features a 1:1 ratio and is perfect for
connecting SO239 unbalanced coaxial connections together.

Previously, Baluns+UnUns required a large toroid to handle high power and
the varying matches across the HF spectrum - Our unique *No-Toroid solution*
not only removes the need for a lossy core, but works from Top Band right
up to 70cm.  It's also rated 1000-watts continuous thanks to its PTFE

   - 1:1 Unbalanced to Unbalanced convertor
   - 1000-watt rating - no lossy toroids!
   - Less than 0.025dB loss
   - Usable 160m to 70cm
   - Weighs just 35g
   - SO239 connections

*Update : This was, of course, our April Fool for 2017 but the above
description was entirely accurate - Thanks if you shared this on the
various social-media and news outlets :)*

On 03-04-2017 13:27, João Costa > CT1FBF wrote:

1kW UnUn from Ham Goodies

Essex-based Amateur Radio shop* Ham Goodies* are known for their useful
accessories including a range of Baluns and matching units for Dipoles,
CobWebbs and End-Fed aerials.

Today sees the launch of their latest product: A *1kW 1:1 UnUn*.
An "UnUn" is an unbalanced-to-unbalanced converter. UnUns typically require
a large toroid to handle the high power and varying impedances across
different frequencies but this "No-Toroid" design not only removes the need
for a lossy core, but works from 160m right up to 70cm with less than
0.025dB of loss. It weighs-in at just 35 grams, too!


Ham Goodies are pleased to offer this breakthrough product at a one-off
"today-only" price of just £2.

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Callsign: CT7ABP
QRA: Pedro Ribeiro
GRID Locator: IM58mr
QTH: São Francisco, Alcochete, Portugal
NET: http://www.qrz.com/db/CT7ABP
CT7ABP is also home station of CR7AJI Diogo

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