ARLA/CLUSTER: Dias de Campo UHF / SHF ARLA 2016: Today at 13:00 UTC
we tested. We will be qrv on 2 m on the repeater of Arrabida (RV59)
João Costa > CT1FBF
Quinta-Feira, 29 de Setembro de 2016 - 08:29:45 WEST
Timestamp Nr. 1.)
Dear interested YLs,XYLs and OMs
CT7/DL4SBK - Horst is arrived yesterday with the airplane in Faro from
Germany . We tested today on my property in São Teotonio (IM57ol) the 23 cm
20 Watt rig. We got some technical problems there and we hope we can solve
these existing problems fast.
This is not such a good news we want to post, but on the other side, we
will try as a reserve to be qrv later on with abt. 5 Watt on the 23 cm
band. Hopefull we look forward to the results of the following tests with
the 23 cm 20 Watt rig Thursday late evening, when we are back from the
Foia we know more.
As promised, we will make a test with Carlos Gorjão (CT7AFN) Thursday
29.09.2016 starting at 13.00 UTC (14:00 local portuguese time) beaming on 3
cm (10 GHz) to the north in horizontal polarisation with the parabolic dish
(mirror). We will be qrv on 2 m on the repeater of Arrabida (RV59) to get
in contact with CT7AFN in Mouriscas for coordination. Because we don,t have
enough actual knowledge, where the best place (location) on the Foia is to
reach the north of Portugal. Maybe we must change our transmission place
several times, when we make the first tests. The questions of interferences
near the commercial transmitters is also open. You can be sure we do our
best. Please be patient, if it does not work at the first attempt.
For more details please have a look to the e-mails CT1FBF postet bevor.
More timestamps informing you about the following project activities will
reach you as soon as possibel.
You can reach our portuguese project telemovel number 91 549 10 35
during daytime especially for appointments and timely arrangements.
> Please use the english language to correspond with us ..... obrigado.
(;-)) <
Best Regards
Joachim CT1JJU + DJ1SP
Dados do repetidor de VHF da Arrábida:
Canal: RV59
Indicativo: CQ0VARB
Frequencia de Emissão: 145,7375 MHz
Frequencia de recepção: 145,1375 MHz
Tom de Protecção: 74,4 Hz
Designação de Emissão: 11K0F3E(FM Estreito)
QTH Locator: IM58ml
Localização: Serra da Arrábida - SETÚBAL
Potencia Aparente(PAR) Autorizada: 40W
Associação Responsável: Associação de Radioamadores do Litoral Alentejano -
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