ARLA/CLUSTER: EUA: Radioamadores locais preparam operadores para as emergencias

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 31 de Outubro de 2016 - 16:53:49 WET

Local Ham operators prepare for emergencies

WGNS reports on the amateur radio involvement in a Military Auxiliary Radio
System (MARS) exercise from October 30 through November 1

Amateur Radio Emergency Services Coordinator *Jim Goodrich, WA4VGZ*,
noted, *"The
purpose of this quarterly exercise is train amateur radio operator how to
provide communications following a "very bad day" scenario when traditional
forms of communications will likely be unavailable. While the simultaneous
loss of all communications nation-wide is not likely, for training
purposes, we are assuming there has been a massive nation-wide outage."*

One of the objectives of this exercise is to continue the partnership with
the amateur radio community to help provide information about local
conditions and send this information to the Department of Defense to help
understand what is happening around the United States.

During this exercise, Murfreesboro area amateur radio operators will
communicate on 60 meters, local VHF and UHF repeaters as well as HF NVIS
amateur radio bands. The group's goal is to have a conversation about the
local conditions in and around this county. During the conversation,
operators will be asking basic questions such as the status of commercial
power, public water systems, and road conditions. These will be person to
person don't need to use any digital modes or know any
special messaging formats.

To kick off this exercise, the amateur radio community is encouraged to
monitor 5,330.5 kHz from 0300-0400 Hrs Zulu on October 31st. During this
hour, there will be a high power voice broadcast from a military station on
the east coast and alternate with a voice broadcast from the west coast.
Amateur radio operators are encouraged to submit a reception report as
indicated in the voice broadcast.

Read the full WGNS story at
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