ARLA/CLUSTER: HamRadioNow: O que é necessário para chamar mais jovens para o radioamadorismo
João Costa > CT1FBF
Terça-Feira, 25 de Outubro de 2016 - 12:59:12 WEST
HamRadioNow: Kids These Days
Gary Pearce KN4AQ asks for your help to find some ideas about getting
young people into amateur radio
He says: I need them to fulfill a 30 second 'Corporate Underwriter'
pitch for the upcoming TAPR DCC videos.
Put your ideas below (but watch the video first... OK, TL/DW... I've
got 30 seconds for the pitch, so keep it short and link to 'for more
info'. And... MAYBE MAKE YOUR OWN VIDEO. 30 seconds, got it?
Don't tell me I've never made anything under 30 seconds in my life -
my life has been making 30 second commercials. Thousands of them. So
that's what you've got.
Watch HamRadioNow: Kids These Days
Previous editions of HamRadioNow
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