ARLA/CLUSTER: ARRL aceita propostas para atribuição do premio "International Humanitarian Award" 2016

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Quinta-Feira, 13 de Outubro de 2016 - 13:57:02 WEST

International Humanitarian Award

WHEREAS Amateur Radio operators engage in assistance to people in need
throughout the world, and daily communications between common people
from all parts of the world, and

WHEREAS Amateur Radio is the only medium where average people
throughout the world can meet to talk to each other and spread
goodwill across otherwise impenetrable political boundaries, and,

WHEREAS the world is in need of positive efforts toward international
understanding and peaceful communications,

BE IT RESOLVED that the American Radio Relay League hereby establishes
a committee for the purpose of developing an annual international
prize to be awarded to truly outstanding Amateur Radio operators in
areas of international humanitarianism and the furtherance of peace.

Inasmuch as Amateur Radio operators provide public service and promote
international goodwill and understanding this award is dedicated to
those amateurs who, through Amateur Radio, are devoted to promoting
the Welfare of mankind. In order to help all people, both Amateur
Radio operators and others, to understand the purpose and importance
of this award, it shall be called the "ARRL International Humanitarian
The selection of the recipient of the award shall be made by a
committee appointed by the President of the ARRL, and shall serve at
his or her pleasure for the term of office.
Any licensed radio amateur world-wide, or group of amateurs, who by
use of Amateur Radio skills has provided extraordinary service for the
benefit of others in times of crisis or disaster, is qualified to
receive the award.
Nominations for the award will be accepted by the committee from a
licensed radio amateur, governmental or any other organization, that
has received the benefits of the radio amateur's extraordinary service
within the last 3 years. In the event that no nominations are
received, the committee may determine possible recipients or may
decide to make no award in a given year.

Nominations must contain the following:

All nominations and supporting materials for a given year's award must
be submitted in writing in English to "ARRL International Humanitarian
Award, 225 Main Street, Newington, CT 06111," in sufficient time that
they are received by December 31.

A summary of the actions of the nominee, which qualify the recipient
for the award.
Statements from at least two references including names and addresses
for verification.

The award is to include the following elements:

An appropriate plaque or medallion to be presented to the recipient(s)
at a home convention or event within the US, or the ARRL National
Convention or a mutually agreed upon arrangement to be made by
Membership and Volunteer Programs (MVP) to recipients residing outside
the USA.
An article describing the extraordinary achievements of the
recipient(s) is to be written for use in QST, other ARRL venues and
consumer magazines.

ARRL seeks voluntary funding to endow this award. Should the expense
of administering the award in any given year exceed the award fund
balance, ARRL will seek voluntary contributions to create an endowment
to fund the award, with suitable recognition to be given to donors.
Should the expenses of administering the award exceed the income
available from the endowment, these expenses will be reimbursed as
authorized by the ARRL Board.

Because of the importance of this award to promoting international
friendship among not only Amateur Radio operators, but all persons of
the world, extreme care must be taken to insure that each recipient is
deserving of the award. Therefore, the Committee will be responsible
for verification of all nominations, with the most rigorous scrutiny
given to finalists in the selection process.

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