ARLA/CLUSTER: "Radio hacker" declara-se culpado das interferencias nas comunicações do Aeroporto e Hospital de Edinburgh registadas há 3 anos

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Segunda-Feira, 10 de Outubro de 2016 - 13:43:06 WEST

Radio hacker 'caused havoc at Edinburgh airport and hospital'

A hacker who caused 'havoc' by blocking the radio frequencies for planes,
trains, shopping centres and a hospital has had a six-month curfew imposed
on him.

Jamie Corrigan was 17 when he started tapping into the signals "as a prank".

Edinburgh Sheriff Court heard calls on the Air Traffic Control frequency at
Edinburgh Airport interfered with aircraft and emergency vehicles.

Network Rail also reported attempts to redirect moving trains.

Corrigan, now 20, has now been banned from leaving his home between 22:00
and 06:00 for the next six months.

He was also ordered to forfeit radio equipment.

Corrigan, of Niddrie House Square, Edinburgh, had previously pleaded guilty
to charges of culpable and reckless conduct by making repeated radio
transmissions which caused fear and alarm, potential endangerment and
making abusive and offensive remarks.

His targets also included Edinburgh Castle, the Royal Infirmary of
Edinburgh, NSL Services Group, and Westside and Cameron Toll Shopping

Read the full BBC News story
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