ARLA/CLUSTER: Estações piratas nas bandas de amador alegadamente desde o Iraque

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Quarta-Feira, 4 de Maio de 2016 - 13:04:15 WEST

Pirate alert!

'The Daily DX' reports:
The ever-persistent Hassan, the pirate from Baghdad, Iraq, continues to
plague the Amateur Radio bands.

This guy has been pirating and bootlegging multiple calls for several
years. He has been heard bootlegging the calls YI1HR, YI1H, YI1HRP and
YI1HI and pirating the calls YI1BGD, YI1IRQ, YI1DZ and most recently

Unfortunately in Iraq there does not seem to be any enforcement to take
Hassan off the air, much less do anything about the situation.

Therefore let's get the word out not to work or spot Hassan, who operates
on 20 Meters SSB, usually around 14178-14188 MHz.
In fact the best policy is to ignore him completely on the air.

via OPDX
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