ARLA/CLUSTER: Radioamadores da Nova Zelândia solicitam alocação no segmento de 222 a 223 MHz

João Costa > CT1FBF ct1fbf
Quinta-Feira, 23 de Junho de 2016 - 13:32:52 WEST

New Zealand radio hams request 222-223 MHz

In a letter to the Radio Spectrum Management Policy and Planning
manager, the New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters (NZART)
request an amateur radio allocation at 222-223 MHz
The letter says:

NZART is always on the lookout for spectrum that has different
characteristics from that to which we already have access. The 174 to
230 MHz band clearly fits in this category – having characteristics
quite different from the two adjacent (144 MHz and 430 MHz) amateur

We are therefore requesting that a small allocation (222 – 223 MHz) be
made to the NZ Amateurs to allow them to further both the
self-training and technical investigations purposes of the Service.

In requesting this allocation be made to Amateur Radio, we are not
seeking to exclude any other users from the band – in our view (and
that of others) there is sufficient spectrum available in the band to
satisfy all those seeking an allocation – including setting aside some
bandwidth for applications (like the Internet of Things) that are not
well defined at present.


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