ARLA/CLUSTER: EURAO: HAM RADIO 2016, Carabobo Contest

Associação de Radioamadores do Litoral Alentejano cs5arla
Terça-Feira, 21 de Junho de 2016 - 12:14:20 WEST

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: EURAO <eurao>
Date: 2016-06-21 4:53 GMT+01:00
Subject: HAM RADIO 2016, Carabobo Contest
To: cs5arla

[image: EURAO]
<> European
Radio Amateurs' Organization open to the world wide amateur radio community
[image: news]

Amateur Radio News...
HAM RADIO 2016: all together, first try
<> [image:

[image: Ham Radio]
<> *EURAO*
will have again a booth (*A1-551*) at Friedrichshafen's exhibition, to be
held *24-26 June*. This year the booth will be bigger in order to make it
fit our member associations and that there is a more intense interaction
between them.

Our own agenda includes: technical meeting on Friday, General Assembly on
Saturday; all day support to members, friends and visitors; tasting
experiences, coordination of activities, discussion of new projects, etc.
Battle of Carabobo International Contest 2016
<> [image:

On *June 25-26*, sponsored by our member club *Radio Club Valencia AC,
YV4VV*, this contest in HF, SSB and CW, QRP, QRO... Have a look to the

© 2005-2016 *EURAO - European Radio Amateurs' Organization


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